3 Eco-Friendly Myths That Discourage Beginners

Photo by SHVETS production
Eco-friendly is in! As global concern about the environment and its depleting natural resources becomes more mainstream, consumers are now leaning towards brands that show sustainable and eco-friendly practices.
Recent surveys suggest that about 45% of consumers all over the world are interested in brands that are environmentally responsible. A further 44% stated that they choose brands that support recycling.
But being eco-friendly isn't really as simple in this profit-driven society. For instance, there is the whole issue about recycling, as we've talked about in this article here. In a nutshell, recycling cannot and was never even designed to address the ever-growing plastic waste! Plastic isn't made to be recycled, and corporations spend more when recycling them as opposed to creating an entirely new plastic product or packaging. Earning more for the bottom line means choosing NOT to recycle, or at least just appearing to do it at a minimal scale.
Eco-friendly Myths That Discourage Beginners
Many more people are willing to pay a premium for eco-friendly products and services. But do these make an impact? Are there any misconceptions that may hurt your efforts to live more sustainably? These are some questions that we will discuss. In reality, there's no one-size-fits-all solution for going sustainable. There will always be compromises when figuring out how to implement eco-friendly policies and how to make it a daily, sustainable routine.
Read on to find out what are the biggest eco-friendly myths that are popular, but aren't necessary to subscribe to:
You have to go completely plastic-free
Would you say eliminating every last piece of plastic from your life is the only way to be eco-friendly?
If you answered yes, you might have a more challenging time than you need to. When people think about eco-friendly, it's automatically assumed that plastic has no place in it all. And based on what the findings are about microplastics in the land, water, and air (even in human blood!), it's only fitting that everyone try to use less plastic.
But in reality, being eco-friendly can still happen even if you have plastic in your home. The key is to make it the last option if there are alternative materials. Remember, microplastics are linked to various health problems, and the more exposure via food, water, and air, the higher likelihood of the micro and nano-particles compromising health.
But an eco-friendly routine devoid of plastic is a reach for most households. Most commercial products still have plastic packaging.
You don't need to give up everything right away. Plastic is also incredibly durable. If you have plastic reusables, it's only right not to throw it away at landfills and use it as long as possible.
Your waste has to fit in a tiny jar
That ubiquitous mason jar concept of having the least amount of trash is among the most absurd things about the zero waste and eco-friendly trend. It's not only misleading; it sets willing people up for failure!
Instead of being unrealistic about trash, do a trash audit. Observe where you can minimize consumption, and waste, compost some food items, or reuse some things if possible.
Maybe if you prepare bulk food, there's less cooking and less trash; or getting some essential items from a refillery store can eliminate plastic packets. Going through such an exercise is much more productive and practical than having to force going zero waste and feeling like a failure.
You have to go vegan
Going vegan in your diet can certainly lessen carbon footprint from livestock and dairy product consumption. It's a good thing, because livestock emissions even out with transport emissions. Beef and other animal products require and expend much energy during feed production, fertilizer, breeding, water consumption, and operations.
Going plant-based just ONE DAY a week already offsets thuosands of tons of CO2 in a year. But only if you can and want to. There's no point being miserable in your everyday meals just so you can imbibe the eco-friendly philosophy. It won't work in the long term.
Instead, plan a day or two to go meat and dairy-free. Any sort of reduction by eating less meat and animal byproducts can do the earth so much good without making you go crazy from a restrictive diet.
The Takeaway
Committing to an eco-friendly and sustainable routine means adjusting your typical habits and go-to products to accommodate better choices. As the movement becomes more popular, there will be myths and buzz ideas that will go on-trend. Consumers have to stay focused on what's important: scientific information.
There will always be compromises when changing our throwaway and consumption-focused lifestyles. Still, there are also so many simple, doable eco-friendly actions that integrate well within your daily life. It comes down to being more thoughtful about your purchases, being more creative about reusing items and keeping an open mind about plastic. The more you continue being less wasteful and more sustainable, the more long-term impact you have.